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Chemical Peels


A Chemical peel promotes fresh, healthy skin by gently resurfacing the outer layers of the skin, removing built-up congestion and imperfections. Whether it's pigmentation, acne or breakouts, lines and wrinkles, dehydration, enlarged pores, or specific skin complaints like Melasma we have a chemical peel that can help with your concern.

Removing the outer layers of dead skin with a chemical preparation, allows new skin cells to come through revealing a dramatically smoother and brighter complexion with fewer imperfections. Naturally derived acids loosen the glue-like attachments or cellular cement that is characteristic of many skin conditions such as ageing, acne, skin discolouration and coarse texture.

At Sheer Beauty Clinic, we use Dermatologic Cosmetic Laboratories’ EPI-Peel Level 1 40% Glycolic Peel which will improve the condition and texture of all skin types and is only used by professionals.


  • Rejuvenated and brighter skin

  • Removal of dead skin cells

  • Even skin texture and tone

  • Reduced the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  • Smoother, softer skin

  • Eliminated pigmentation and reduced effects of sun damage

  • Reduction of inflammation and breakouts caused by acne

  • Hydrated and nourished skin

  • Stimulated collagen production for plump and youthful-looking skin

No heat, sauna, steam, hot showers or makeup is to be worn for 48hrs, some skin will shed and skin will be healed by 5 days, no holidays are recommended for 4 weeks after, SPF must be worn every day.

Contraindications to facial peels:
⦁ Cold sores
⦁ Accutane
⦁ Differin, Azelex, Finacea, Tazora or any other prescription medications in the last 2 weeks before the peel.
⦁ Sensitivity to aspirin or any ingredients listed in the peels
⦁ No peel 2 weeks before holidays and 2 weeks after holidays
⦁ No beauty treatments 2 weeks before the peel and 2 weeks after
⦁ If a client has semi-permanent tattoo tell the therapist as fading of pigment can occur
⦁ Open cuts, lesion, abrasions, or serve eczema on the face
⦁ No sunbeds recently

Post peel information
It is vital that you protect your skin from damage that UVA and UVB rays cause by using a sufficient UVA/UVB sunblock. Sunblock must be worn every day whilst using skincare products and peels to help prevent pigmentation.

Please do not touch, rub or scratch the treated areas. Some Itching may occur after the peel as a result of the peel. You can apply a cold compress to soothe the skin.

  • Mineral make-up can be applied 24 hours after your procedure.

  • ​NO heat treatments, gym, sauna, steam room, hot bath, or showers for the first 48hrs as this can cause a reaction to the skin.

  • Don’t apply any strong products on the skin for at least 5 days after as can cause the skin to become very sensitive and may react.

  • NO fake tan or beauty treatments for at least 2 weeks after.

  • NO sun, holidays, or sunbeds for at least 2 weeks after the peel as it can cause pigmentation.​

One session of Chemical Peel 

contact us for prices

Chemical Peel: Text
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