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Dermaplaning is a deep manual exfoliation using a sharp surgical blade to manually slough and scrapes off any build-up or Keratinised skin cell (stratum corneum) on the face to reveal a beautiful, smoother complexion.

The dermaplane facial removes dead skin and facial hair and the results depend on several factors. The dryness of the skin and the sharpness of the blade will determine the best results. The better results come with a less aggressive surface exfoliation.

Because the face is so smooth and without the “peach fuzz”, products will penetrate better and makeup goes on simply beautifully. Dermaplaning is recommended on a regular 3-4 week basis.



Dermaplanin recommended and beneficial fo:

  • This type of facial is fabulous for all skin types and conditions except cystic acne.

  • Dermaplaning Removes peach fuzz dead skin for and VELLUS HAIR for smooth, glowing skin.

  • Painless no downtime.

  • Removes Vellus Hair and excess debris to allow Face serum/creams to penetrate better.

  • Suitable on all skin types.

  • Dry, rough skin.

  • Immediate results- Soft, Smooth, and Radiant Skin.

  • Softens Fine lines and wrinkles and Mild Acne Scarring.

  • Dull skin.

  • An excellent alternative to other treatment(wax/IPL) that may be contraindicated for higher Fitzpatrick clients.

  • Dermaplaning can be used prior to some Chemical Peels and other Clinical Treatment to increase cells renewal and glowing skin



What are the Benefits of a Dermaplane Facial?

  • Even Skin Tone and Texture. This facial helps to even out your complexion. In some cases, the surface discoloration and pigmentation can be removed. The outcome of this is dependent on how deep the pigmentation goes below the surface of the skin. The glow and radiant skin from this facial show after one treatment.

  • Hair Removal. Say goodbye to peach fuzz and facial hair. Instead of waxing, which can sometimes irritate hair follicles and cause breakouts, try dermaplaning for hair removal. The hair will not regrow darker or thicker. The smooth skin helps makeup go on like a professional.

  • Softens Fine Lines.  Consistent dermaplane facial treatments can reduce the fine lines. The actual skin that is damaged by creating a wrinkle is removed during the treatment. Then the new skin is treated with vitamins and peptides to nourish the new skin.

  • No Down Time. You leave the spa looking fabulous. It’s necessary to use sunscreen and hydrate with serums, but your skin is runway and gala ready.

  • Results Last. Because you are consistently removing dead skin cells, the results of one dermaplane facial can last up to 3 months. For best results, having a treatment every 3-4 weeks is recommended, especially for dry or mild acne.


Does your hair grow back thicker and darker?

Unlike removing terminal hair, your hair will grow back just like it did before the treatment, a surgical sterilized blade is used to shave the ends from the fine vellus hairs ( hair follicle is not removed) so the growth of the hair hasn’t changed and your skin looks brighter.


How long does Dermaplaning last?

results last up to 4-6 weeks, if you choose not to continue Dermaplaning the Hair will grow back and return to the same state as prior to treatment


Q: How often can I have Dermaplaning treatments?

To get the best results, we recommend dermaplaning once a month.

Q: Am I suitable for Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is extremely safe and suitable for most people, from teenagers upwards. The minimum age for treatment is 16 (with parental consent). It is especially recommended if you have dry skin, rough skin or mature skin. It is also an effective treatment for uneven pigmentation and sun damage. Dermaplaning isn’t suitable if you have severe acne or excessively oily skin as in some cases it can make the skin oilier. If you have either of these skin types, a chemical peel is a more suitable option. It is also not suitable if you are taking certain medications, such as blood thinning medication, or undergoing treatment, such as chemotherapy. Please contact us if you would like further information.

Q: What will I look like after Dermaplaning? Will I need any downtime?

Dermaplaning is a superficial treatment requiring little or no downtime. Your skin may appear rosier than usual, but this should quickly fade. Full home care advice will be given at your appointment, but it is best to avoid sunbathing or use exfoliating scrubs for one week afterwards.

Q: I am pregnant, am I suitable for Dermaplaning?

Yes, absolutely! As dermaplaning is a manual process not a chemical peel, pregnant and breast-feeding women can have dermaplaning treatments

Q: Will hair on my face grow back thicker after Dermaplaning?

No, hair thickness changes usually occur due to hormonal changes. Dermaplaning simply removes hair on the skin surface.

Q: I am having other aesthetic skin treatments; can I combine them with Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning works well with lots of other skin treatments, including mesotherapy and LED facials. It can also be carried out if you have chemical peels, although not at the same session. Always leave at least a week between dermaplaning and a chemical peel.

Additional details

  • Consultation Required?No

  • Treatment Time60mins

  • Duration of ResultsDepends on skin type and skincare routine

  • After EffectsSkin will appear brighter

  • One-off treatment or recurringMonthly treatment




  • Using Blood Thinners or with Uncontrolled Diabetes

  • Using Chemotherapeutic agents

  • Using Accutane (12 months is needed after discontinuing the medication)

  • With Active Acne or Pustular Rosacea

  • With An Allergen to Nickel

  • With Sunburn, Facial Rash, Active Herpes Simplex, Open Lesions on the Face

  • Use of Topical Retinol within last 5 days


Pre Treatment Advice:

  • Avoid Sun Tanning, Tanning creams/spray  for at least a week

  • Do Not use Retinol based creams 3 DAYS prior to treatment

  • Treatment not suitable if you have had recent LASER SURGERY

  • Treatment not suitable if using ACCUTANE (ISOTRETINOIN)

  • Wait for 2 weeks After Chemical Peel, Dermal Fillers, Botox, or similar Aesthetic Skin Treatment

  • Avoid Waxing or Tanning 3 Days prior Treatment

  • Treatment not suitable with ACTIVE COLD SORES


Post Treatment Advice:

-You may experience  slight redness, swelling which should resolve within 24 hours

–Avoid heat – Saunas – Hot tubs and sweaty activity for 24 hours.

-Cleanse skin with gentle acid-free cleanser & AVOID topical products contains ALPHA or BETA HYDROXY ACIDS, RETINOLS for at least 72 hours

-DO NOT USE any EXFOLIANTS/SCRUBS on the skin for 3 days

-DO NOT SUBMERGE the treated area in CHLORINATED WATER, HOT TUB for 3 days

-Avoid sun exposure for a minimum of 14 Days. APPLY minimum SPF 30 EVERY DAY

-Avoid Facial wax for 7 days

– Avoid Dermal Fillers, Botox for 2 weeks

-Do Apply Moisturisers and Serums as absorption levels will be elevated

-Makeup may be worn if the skin is not broken

-Treatment can be performed every 3-4 weeks


Dermaplaning prices

Contact us for prices

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