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Body Contouring

Medical Non-Surgical Fat Loss/Body Contouring Treatments

Effective in diminishing stubborn areas of unwanted body fat.

Outpatient treatment with little to no downtime and minimal discomfort.

Non-invasive procedure with no incision required.

Nonsurgical fat reduction is a procedure that uses specialized equipment to create a controlled injury to small volumes of fat. Currently, there are two types of devices used for nonsurgical fat removal: ultrasound and cold energy or cryolipolisis. Both allow outpatient treatment resulting in efficient and consistent fat reduction as well as enhanced body contour.

When to Consider Nonsurgical Fat Reduction

If you are struggling with pockets of excess fat that are resistant to diet and exercise programs.

If you have undesirable but limited fat deposits on your abdomen, flanks, back, or thighs.

If you wish to achieve a trimmer appearance without having to undergo surgery.

It can be very complicated to understand what and which treatment or procedure is right for you when considering fat reduction and skin tightening

Many procedures sound more or less the same, so how do you choose one over the other?

We Offer The Aesthetic Award-Winning Platform In The Industry For Results 

3D Ultimate Lipo.

Our specialist will be able to advise you which fat reduction treatment or procedure is suitable for you.

If you choose to go ahead and book a consultation with us, we may require your BMI in advance for safety reasons.

The consultation is an opportunity to discuss any concerns you have with your body and the results you want to achieve.

Your consultant will examine your body and develop a treatment plan to achieve your goals. We offer and plan individual treatments for Body Sculpting, Cellulite, Body Tightening, etc. The specialists will give you an honest and impartial professional opinion.

‘At our clinic, we don’t pressurize clients or try to sell procedures. It's always about giving an honest opinion and honest advice.

Are you a good candidate for non-surgical fat reduction?

Following are some common reasons why you may want to consider nonsurgical fat reduction:

You are in relatively good shape but have modest bulges of fat on your abdomen, flanks, back, or thighs that you’d like removed.

You have pockets of stubborn fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.

You wish to achieve a trimmer look and contour your body without having to undergo an invasive surgical procedure. It is important to note it is only possible to target subcutaneous layers of fat (fat underlying the skin) rather than visceral fat (internal fat surrounding the organs) as the cooling mechanism does not affect tissues beyond this level. Subcutaneous fat is usually the culprit of contributing the most to less desirable body shapes. Having said this, visceral fat is very significant for cardiovascular risk and fortunately is usually the first type of fat tissue to be eliminated by general weight loss.

My preference for the use of Cryolipolysis is to achieve debulking of deep fat tissue in patients with minimal skin laxity as well as significantly enlarged fat folds which are localised and easily “pinchable”.

It is important to note that nonsurgical fat reduction is not a weight-loss treatment. This non-invasive procedure is best suited for treating very limited volumes of fat of the abdomen, flanks, back, and thighs. Because larger volumes of fat require multiple nonsurgical treatments, liposuction is probably a better option for larger fat accumulations.

If you are in good general health and have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for this procedure.

Course Of Treatments Recommended (

- Improved awareness of healthier lifestyle and behavioural modifications for ongoing independent weight management.

Contraindications for All Fat Loss Treatments 

You will unfortunately NOT be able to have the ​treatment if any of the below apply:

  • Cryoglobulinemia

  • Paroxysmal Cold Haemoglobinuria

  • Cold Urticarial

  • Severe Diabetes

  • Liver Problems

  • Areas of Impaired Peripheral Circulation

  • Raynaud’s Disease

  • Pregnancy

  • Scar Tissue or Extensive Skin Conditions Such As Eczema or Dermatitis at the Area of Intended Treatment

  • Impaired Skin Sensation

  • Open or Infected Wounds

  • Areas of Recent Bleeding or Haemorrhage

3D Cavitation Ultrasonic Energy 

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3D Ultimate Cavitation Ultrasonic 

Cavitation is a simple procedure that simply relies on technology to target and flush fat from your body instead of intensive and invasive surgery.

During the cavitation treatment, the membranes of the fat cells are disrupted through non-invasive machinery. The low-frequency sound waves, and in some cases: light suction, heats and vibrates the targeted layers of fat below the skin’s surface. The fat cell content, primarily comprised of triglycerides, is dispersed into the fluid between the cells and then transported through the vascular and lymphatic systems to the liver. The liver makes no distinction between fat coming from the cavitation treatment and fat originating from consumed food. The pressure eventually causes the fat cells to liquefy and release their contents into the bloodstream and both are processed by the body’s natural mechanisms.

Proponents of the procedure believe that the body is then able to process these fatty acids through its proverbial waste-disposal plant: the lymphatic system.

3D Ultimate Radio Frequency Body Tightening &

Slimming Treatment

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3D Radio Frequency Technology

3D RF (radio frequency) technology is a fantastic treatment for both skin tightening and cellulite removal. The 3D Body RF energy selectively increases the temperature of the fat cells, by doing so simultaneously in deep and superficial layers of fat. This increases the metabolism and release of liquid fat from fat cells. Normal cells can support 60 degrees but fat cells start to be melted at 41 degrees. After the treatment and release of liquid fat, the fat cells shrink in size, and the skin is restored closer to its original form, reducing or eliminating the appearance of cellulite.

Fat Freezing: Text
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